
Misi utama Yayasan Ruang Kebijakan Kesehatan Indonesia (RUKKI) adalah memerangi dampak negatif merokok dan tembakau di Indonesia melalui advokasi kebijakan ketat, kampanye anti-tembakau yang berfokus pada kesadaran masyarakat, kolaborasi dengan berbagai pihak, serta penelitian untuk mendukung perubahan positif dalam pengendalian tembakau dan kesehatan masyarakat secara keseluruhan.

Kontak Kami Jalan Insinyur H Juanda, Rukun Tetangga 001, Rukun Warga 021, Kelurahan Aren Jaya, Kecamatan Bekasi Timur +62 821-2425-7284 sekretariat@rukki.org

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Artikel Ilmiah

The 2021 Tobbaco Industry Interference Index in Indonesia How the Industry Influences Tobacco COntrol Policies and Takes Advantage of the COVID-19 Situatuin. Unduh File

Various anti-tobacco promotions have emerged in order to reduce the detrimental impacts of tobacco advertising on adolescents. The objective of this study is to explore … read more

Tobacco advertisement, promotion, and sponsorship (TAPS) in all forms influences youth smoking behaviors. TAPS exposure enhances their smoking frequency and vulnerability. A 2018 Indonesia Ministry of Health (MoH) Survey showed increased smoking prevalence among youth aged 10–18 years. Read More

Indonesian tobacco control initiatives are minimal despite having the second-highest adult male smoking prevalence in the world, with less than 10% of districts/cities banning outdoor tobacco advertisements. This research aimed …. read more

Despite having over 60 million smokers in 2018, Indonesia still lacks tobacco control measures, including an outdoor tobacco advertising ban. This study aimed to provide evidence on the visibility and hotspots of advertisements … Read More

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